06.29.2004 9:05 a.m.
Quiz answers and IVs

Even though none of you even made an ATTEMPT at answering the quiz, I'll tell you the answers anyway.

-Motown : J and 5 (Jackson 5)

-Good Buddy/Over and Out/Roger That: 10 and 4 ("10-4, good buddy. Over and Out.")

-Big Slick: A and K

-Midlife Crisis: 4 and 4 (44 = midlife)

-Snowmen: 8 and 8 (because they look like snowmen)

-San Francisco: 4 and 9 (Forty-niners)

Then there's things like "Pocket Aces" but that's pretty darn obvious.


I'm not a big fan of needles, and I definitely HATE IVs, but this morning I'm thinking that a caffiene IV drip would be a good, good thing.

And then perhaps a catheter, for when I have to pee 47 times an hour due to the caffiene.


Why do stores send me promotion codes? Why? Don't they know I have no willpower? Don't they know I'm poor? Don't they know that even if I know I'm poor, if I feel like I'm getting a DEAL, I'll still buy shit?


Why, G*d, why?


The work just keeps flowing in... I guess I'd better get to it.


Food I'm craving: summer sausage, though I have NO idea why
Song in my head: "Sin Wagon" - The Dixie Chicks


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