06.17.2004 2:57 p.m.
Cat Diagnoses

Well, we FINALLY got the results of the ultrasound. (The fourth time my husband called our vet's office, he just refused to get off the phone until he talked to the vet, instead of leaving a message as he had been.)

She has Chronic Pyelonephritis, which is basically a chronic kidney infection. We have to put her on ANOTHER kind of prescription food, give her 5 MORE weeks of a DIFFERENT type of antibiotic, and hopefully it'll take care of it.

This time.

It's chronic, so she'll keep having infections. If the infection is active for long periods of time, though, it can cause kidney failure. I REALLY hope the new food and drugs help her. The sound of her crying all the time is heart-breaking, as is knowing how much pain she must be in.

She's so tiny and helpless and... I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make her better.

I don't want to be at work right now. I want to go home and cuddle with my kitty.


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