06.21.2004 11:11 a.m.
Weekend babbling and a funny moment

The funniest damn thing that happened this weekend:

Lying on the couch with my husband, watching TV.

*sound of a musical butt whistle*

Me: You make Baby Jesus cry.

Husband: No, I make Baby Jesus gag and gasp for air.

Me: *laughs hysterically for five minutes*


This weekend was not too bad. Of course, I wouldn't say no to closing the office, and having a 3-day weekend. I could use another day off. As could many of my co-workers, considering the number that are gone today. Hmm...there are 5 people missing, out of 16 total. Woo! We're going to get A LOT done today, I can tell already.

So. Weekend.

Friday: beer, live reggae music, seeing friends unexpectedly, more drinking, some pool playing, going home.

Saturday: retrieving the child, taking the long way home so she could take a nap in the car, going to my parents for quality time, heading home to make dinner, eating in the front yard, TV watching, relaxing, sleeping.

Sunday: sleeping in, breakfast, errands, getting organized while the child naps, taking a nap when she gets up, taking her home, making dinner, watching TV, smoking, BEST. SEX. EVER., sliding into new SOFT sheets, going to sleep.

Yup. That pretty much sums it up.


Food I'm craving: chicken tenders
Song in my head: none


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