06.16.2004 10:45 a.m.
Waiting on news from the vet

My poor, poor homely little kitty.

I picked her up from the vet last night after work, and I think she was still partially sedated. She didn't do her usual meow meow meow/beg to be petted thing on the way home. She was relatively calm. As soon as I walked into the house and opened the door of her carrier, though, she took off like a shot for the safety and darkness of under our bed.

Poor baby. Apparently being sedated and shaved is more than she can handle.

When she'd finally be in the same room with me (about 2.5 hours later), I saw just how much of her was shaved. It's a BIG area on such a little kitty. Pretty much from about two inches below her backbone on both sides, and most of her belly. She looks like a poor little stray.

*shakes head sadly* $290 for a really bad haircut. That's even worse than Hollywood prices, I think.

According to the phone call I got from the vet who did her X-rays and ultrasound, the findings sound pretty good. X-rays didn't show any abnormalities. The bladder wall was thickened a bit, but there aren't any tumors or anything. The kidneys look normal to her eye (no stones), but they were going to send the ultrasound out to a specialist via the internet, and would get the results within 24 hours.

So, today I should be getting a call from the vet we usually take her to. Part of me hopes it's absolutely nothing. But then there's no reason why her cystitis (or whatever) keeps coming back. Part of me hopes they find SOMETHING, just so there's an explanation. I just hope it's nothing too serious, that can't be fixed. We've only had her for a little while...I don't want to have to put her down.

I also don't want to end up crying at work.

Jeez...how am I ever going to have children of my own if I can barely handle it when my pets are sick?

Food I'm craving: tuna melt
Song in my head: "Meant to Live"


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