06.14.2004 1:23 p.m.
Weekend fun!

I'm not sure that there are any SANE people driving any more.

On the way to work, I was following a truck/minivan. Its back window consisted of a sheet of plywood, held in with probably an entire roll of duct tape. LOVELY!

On my way back from the drive thru where I got lunch, I watched a car drive in the left turn lane for probably about a MILE. When I turned into the street my work is on, they were still happily driving along, with their left blinker on, in the turn lane.



For turning.

Morons! All of 'em!


So, how were everyone's weekends? Mine was LOVELY!

Friday night featured sitting in a PACKED theater and watching the newest Harry Potter. It was AWESOME! I thoroughly enjoyed it! And highly recommend it!

Help me! I can't stop ending sentences with exclamation points!




Better? Yes, I believe so.


Saturday was filled with errand running and a quick nap before getting dressed and ready for a friend's wedding. On the way to the church, I decided to put lotion on my legs, since I hadn't that morning. In an idiotic move, I tapped the bottom of the bottle, and shot lotion ALL OVER my new top and skirt. I wiped it off my skirt, but apparently missed some on my top, as my sister pointed at a spot later and asked, "Are you lactating?"

(Yes, it just so happened to land RIGHT ON my right breast. LOVELY!)

The wedding was beautiful. I would have cried, if it weren't for the fact that I neglected to put any kleenex in my purse, and the completely distracting "wives must submit to their husbands" sermon-ish thing in the middle of the service. I was like, "WHAT?!?!"

The reception first looked like it was going to be boring, as my husband and I were the only ones at our table, but then we were joined by three people who ended up being quite entertaining. Needless to say, there was much alcohol consumption, and I ended up driving my sister (who was a bridesmaid) home. We got home around 12:30 AM, did some things, and then I slept in until 12:30 the next afternoon. Hee!

After finally getting ready on Sunday, we decided what's better for a hangover than INDIAN FOOD? So, off we went to the buffet.

After enjoying some excellent tandoori chicken, naan, etc., we headed over to my sister's to see if she was alive. She was.

We ended up chilling over there for about six hours, watching TV and laughing our silly asses off. It was a good time.

Overall, we didn't get a whole heck of a lot done this weekend, but we had a GREAT time, nonetheless.

Food I'm craving: nothing. Eating chili from Wendy's
Song in my head: "100 Years" - Five for Fighting


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