06.11.2004 8:21 a.m.
Friday babble

Jeez. Did I do something spectacular or something? I've gotten 24 hits in the last 24 hours from an MSN Groups board called NotNewlywedTTCPGMoms. Hmm...I wonder which entry they linked? Or what they're saying about me?

Or not. I have my own problems. Don't really need to worry about other people's.


Check out this picture on Astronomy Picture of the Day's website. It's AMAZING.


So, the cat? Even more evil than before.

She started this morning at 4:45 AM.

EVIL, I tell you!


Once again, the market is closed. And we are all here. Well, three people have the day off. But the office? Open. The rest of us? Here.

The funny thing is that one of the women that works at our home office in Florida came to visit our office this week, while she was in town on vacation. She said, "So, this is the office that's always open!"

See? She knows. They all know.

Damn slave driver boss.


It seems like there was something else, but I think my brain has already shut down.

Oh! I remember!

Apparently my husband has made a decision about the job thing. He's staying at his current company.

I think in the future, when he gets a job offer that sounds as close to perfect as a job can get, and he ISN'T going to take it, he should just not tell me about it. Then I won't get all excited, and have hope, and blah blah blah.

What I don't know won't hurt me. Right?

So, back to trudging along as we have been. Wheee!

Food I'm craving: chicken tenders
Song in my head: "Volcano" - Damien Rice


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