06.10.2004 9:47 a.m.
Evilness and Job Decisions

Ugh. Seriously. I may have to kill the kitty. She's growing more and more evil by the day. This morning's fun was not just kept to the bedroom... No. This time, I heard her going from room to room, knocking shit around and being evil in a variety of ways.

When I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower, I saw that she'd pulled about 6 feet of toilet paper off the roll. Grrrr...

Maybe if I got one of those things that automatically dispenses food...maybe then she'd stop waking me up in the morning. Or maybe I could get someone who has the talent of Dr. Doolittle (or the Pet Psychic) to tell her that NO, she REALLY WON'T starve to death if she has to wait an extra 45 minutes for her food in the morning. She's nearly 14 pounds for crying out loud. It would take QUITE A WHILE for her to starve.

Can we say food issues?

Can we say not-a-happy-cat-mommy?

Yes. Yes, we can.


Tonight my husband will be having dinner with his former manager to discuss his prospects of advancement within his company.

See, one of his clients has offered him a great job. One that pays a substantial amount more than he's making now (and even with generous raises, would probably make within the next 2 years or so). They'd also let him work out of Battle Creek, which would mean that he'd be home NEARLY EVERY NIGHT. I'd actually get to see my husband! How wacky is that?

AND...AND. They'd pay him more to be home more. Hello? Heaven? Is that you?

But, for some reason, he's unsure about whether he wants to take this job. No matter how many times he's said, "I wish I made more money so we weren't so poor" or "I wish I could be home more often" or "Why can't XXXXXX see how valuable I am to them, and pay me what I'm worth to them?," he still isn't sure if he wants to leave his current company.

I don't really get it, but I'm being patient.

So, if anyone out there is reading this, I'd appreciate it if you'd send him some "decision-making" vibes. Or some "GIANT GIANT raise" vibes. Or something. Some sort of "best job for you" vibes. Something.

Because he's torn. And I understand that. And I'm supportive, because I want him to be happy. But I'm also really tired of not seeing him very often, and of us barely keeping our heads above water financially.

Ahh...the joys of being a grownup.

Food I'm craving: coffee


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