06.09.2004 10:50 a.m.
A Shameless Plug and More Kitty Evilness

Before I say anything, please let me direct you to Swappingtons, that lovely site Diaryland's own Andrew also runs. I spent a little bit of time last night taking off old books and putting new ones up, so I'd appreciate it if someone would help me get rid of them.

(Please! Dear God! I have a book addiction! Help me! HEEEEEEELP MEEEEE!)

Thank you. And now, onto our show.



I'm thisclose to falling asleep and smashing my head into my keyboard today. I had the intention last night of getting up early this morning and running a mile on my treadmill before getting ready for work, but the kitties put the kibosh on that little plan.

I was lying in bed last night, very nearly asleep, and I heard a GIANT crash from downstairs. I knew immediately what it was. I had moved the special happy plant we're trying to grow onto its plant stand in the living room last weekend, after my husband put the air conditioner in the window and we had to do some rearranging in the dining room. The sound was like metal and wood and ceramic all hitting the floor, so I knew that's what it was.

I grumbled to myself, turned off the security alarm (although that might have been a good punishment for the kitties...since they HATE the noise of the alarm), and pissed and moaned under my breath all the way downstairs. Both cats were in the living room, and both looked quite guilty.

I bitched my way into the hall closet to look for a broom and a dustpan, but only found a tiny whisk broom. I thought, "Yeah, that'll be a huge help for cleaning up all this dirt."

I looked briefly around the house for the dustpan, and finally found a larger broom but still no dustpan, so I went for power instead of logic. I used the wet/dry vac to suck up the dirt, after picking the larger pieces of the flower pot out of the pile 'o' dirt and throwing them away.

The cats just sort of stood back and watched me while I cleaned. I might have told them they were ABSOLUTELY EVIL a few times... I'm not really sure. I was half asleep, after all. ("Beasts!")

I finally got it cleaned up, decided to leave my broom selection and wet/dry vac where they were, and went upstairs to bed. That was about 12:30 AM.

I actually slept pretty well, once I finally fell asleep.

Then Callie decided to start her evil-ness around 6:15 AM this morning, which didn't make me too happy. This morning the torture was of the heavy-cat-walking-repeatedly-across-my-chest variety. Wheee!

It's seriously a good thing the kitties are cute. Otherwise I'd trade them in for a monkey.

Food I'm craving: TUNA MELT! (and Indian food, but I'm more likely to get the tuna melt)
Song in my head: "This Love" -- Maroon 5


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