06.08.2004 8:39 a.m.
Bachelor meals and Evil cats

It's so funny to me to think of the differences between my husband's and my meals when he's out of town.

I talked to him last night on the phone, after he'd gotten back from dinner with some co-workers.

I said, "Tell me what you had for dinner, in as much detail as possible. I'm hungry."

He said, "A big thing of steak, a salad, and a sweet potato with cinnamon and sugar and butter on it."

"Yum!" I said.

He asked me what I had for dinner.

"A pack of Pokemon fruit snacks, and three raspberry Juicefuls."

God, I eat like such a bachelor when he's gone. I think I would have rather had his steak. Oh well...


My cat is evil. PURE evil. She started this morning at 6 AM...knocking things off the headboard and the nightstand, chewing on things she wasn't supposed to, batting at paper, sharpening her claws in the wrong places... She woke me up and kept me up until the first alarm went off at 6:30. Then she jumped up on top of the headboard, walked to her spot (at the end closest to the door) and went to sleep.

It was like she said, "Okay. My job here is done."


The really amusing part is that she's fine as long as I'm petting her. The second I stop, she heads for the headboard again, to start making noise and doing whatever she's not supposed to.

I even tried to convince the other kitty to beat her up, but she didn't seem too enthused about the whole idea.

I hope she's less evil tomorrow morning. I get cranky when I don't get enough sleep.


The forecast today (care of my husband's uncle): It's going to be "hotter than a half-fornicated fox in a forest fire."

Food I'm craving: after fruit and a doughnut this morning, I'm set


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