06.07.2004 10:23 a.m.
Whining and moaning

Ahh...another weekend gone. I think I might weep...




Or not.

I want to work different hours, dammit! I wouldn't mind working 4 10-hour days and having Fridays off. Or working 7:30 am - 5 pm Monday through Thursday and then getting out at 2:30 pm on Fridays. That would be LOVELY!

Thank GODDESS I'm not going to school right now. THAT would be even harder than it is to work full-time during the summer, when I'd much rather be outside soaking up the (cancer-causing) sunshine and PLAYING.

Grrr... Being an adult sucks.


Speaking of being an adult, we had the child this weekend.

Do you have any idea how much fun it is to sit and watch a parade with a 3-1/2 year old asking every two seconds if it's done yet? (She wanted something to drink, because she was "sursty"...she has a hard time saying certain letters.) It's a BOMB-ASS time, let me tell you!

And trying to shop at an art fair, that has beautiful photography, paintings, metal sculptures, glass works, and jewelery?

Pretty damn impossible.

It's hard to look at things while maintaining a 6-foot distance so the child you're with isn't tempted to touch things (and BREAK THEM).

We don't call her "Alex the Destroyer" for nothing.

Then again, the good side of that is that her presence kept me from buying anything. Hmm...maybe I should take her to the mall with me more often?

Then again...I like what sanity I have left. Never mind.


A co-worker sent me a link to this game in an e-mail. I replied to her and said, "Thanks for the reminder of why I got frustrated about my (shitty) landings, and stopped skydiving! :-) I'm about as good at that game as I am in real life! (Only in the game, he stays standing.) LOL"

Ah yes...now I remember. For me, landing anywhere that isn't overgrown with weeds is a good thing. (And landing on my feet and staying on my feet is something that I only ever dreamed of.)


I am almost ashamed to admit that I was so bored last night after dropping my husband off at the airport that I (albeit briefly) contemplated coming in to work for a bit.

Luckily, that craziness ended after about 30 seconds, and I finished out the night lying on the couch and watching TV and movies. Can I just say that VIDEO ON DEMAND kicks some serious ass?

And Faking It last night ROCKED as well. Although all the scenes they showed out and about in New Orleans (the French Market, Cat's Meow, etc.) made me really want to go back there. And SOON.


Geh'blah. Geh'blah. Geh'blah.

I think I'll shut up now. And get back to work.

Heh. Or just shut up.


Food I'm craving: something delicious, but I'm not sure what
Song in my head: "Mother, Mother" - Tracy Bonham


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