06.03.2004 3:52 p.m.
Sweet article

In my excitement about poker this morning, I totally forgot to mention the sweet sweet sweet article I read in the Wall Street Journal this morning. It's about a 49-year-old autistic man named Tim Tullis who had to learn how to live a life away from the man who had taken care of him for his entire life...his "Daddy". When his father was diagnosed with cancer, he had to stay somewhere besides his own home. If anyone knows ANYTHING about autism, they know that autistic people are very attached to continuity, to routine. Any break from the familiar upsets them.

Maybe it's because I just finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, which is written from the perspective of a 15-year-old autistic boy who lives in a small town outside of London. Maybe it's because I've always felt something of an understanding with these usually sweet, generally affect-less people. Whatever it is, the story in the paper this morning touched my heart.

Here's an article that talks about Tim's experiences in his new home. (The Wall Street Journal article is slightly better, but I don't have a subscription and can't access the story online.) Just a warning: have tissues ready. You might need them.


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