06.02.2004 9:36 a.m.
Good thing/Bad thing

Good thing: Gas is down below $2 a gallon! I saw a sign that said $1.98 for unleaded at a gas station on my way to work! WHOO HOO!!!

Bad thing: Alex went to daycare yesterday and developed a fever in the afternoon. Her mom picked her up and took her to the doctor, who told her that she has strep throat, pinkeye, and a cold. Poor baby!

Jeez, having a bunch of germ magnets (children) together at a day care or school classroom is sort of like going to your local big chain grocery store and licking all the handles on the carts. You're bound to end up with nearly everything everyone else has had. Ick!

Good (slightly weird) thing: I like it when my husband goes to his client in Grand Rapids. I feel like I get to spend a little more time with him when I can follow him on the highway before getting off at my exit, instead of him going the completely opposite way to go to his other clients.

That makes me a freak, right?

Bad thing: Hmmmm...I don't know that I have another bad thing.

Good thing: While [working really hard at work] last week, I found what I think will be the perfect company through which my husband and I will take our trip to Prague and Budapest. I'd rather get sort of a package deal, but without the whole "everyone-does-the-same-thing-at-the-same-time" tour feel.

This company gets you a week in each city in a private apartment instead of a hotel (with a kitchen, making meals less expensive, since you don't have to eat out all the time). It also includes airfare, the flight from Prague to Budapest, and orientation in each city. They'll take you to exchange money when you first get there, take you to your hotel, and give you recommendations for places to go and things to see during your stay. It sounds AWESOME!

I signed up to get their free catalog, so we'll see if it still sounds as good after I read through that.


I'll be a world traveler yet!

Food I'm craving: tuna melt!
Song in my head: That song from a TV show that begins, "Give me a break, now I know what it takes..."


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