05.13.2004 11:16 a.m.
The giant paperweight

So I went to sit down at the computer last night after I got home from my co-worker's wedding shower (fun, good food, etc.) to work some more on the story/book/whatever it may become, because I had been struck with inspiration.

It had crashed.

I tried to reboot the damn thing like 10 times, and I could never get it to stay up for longer than 30 or so seconds before it crashed again. I'm going to start calling it "the giant paperweight."

Eventually, I just said, "Fuck it!", turned the stupid computer OFF, and went to watch TV. Grrrr.

Why don't I have my laptop again?

Oh right. Because I'm poor. DER.

Luckily, I've been repeating bits and pieces of the plot to myself over and over and over so I can hopefully remember it long enough to get it down on paper at some point. I have everything pretty much figured out except the end. I'm still not sure if she does or she doesn't. I think it'll be good once I actually write it, though.

I'm looking forward to creating something again.

It's been entirely too long.


Thanks for the advice about the Paxil OD yesterday. I felt REALLY WEIRD and stoned for a few hours yesterday, but around 4:30 PM my head cleared up. Thank God.

I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon.


Right now, I am so hungry that I could eat my own arm. I think lunch may have to come early today.


There was going to be something else in here, but of course I've forgotten it.



Last night, instead of watching American Idol, I watched the World Poker Tour Aruba Classic on the Travel Channel.

Today I find out by reading diaries that Jasmine WASN'T kicked off last night?


Obviously America is seriously, seriously WRONG. And demented. And stupid.

Why would you kick one of the best singers off? HELLO!?!? Are you mental?

Urgh. That show keeps pissing me off more and more lately. Maybe it's time to just...give it up. Let it go. Find something else to watch.

I'm sure I can find a poker game on SOMEWHERE during that time.

Food I'm craving: ANYTHING
Song in my head: some song by Maroon 5 I heard on the radio while I showered


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