05.10.2004 10:02 a.m.
Weekend fun

I think I've officially decided that step-mothers get all the crap of motherhood, without the benefits.

Saturday night, I got to help clean up vomit after the child choked on a grape while eating in bed (because she was hungry due to not eating dinner, because she'd prefer to eat SNACKS rather than MEALS). YUM! Vomit!

Sunday, the only person that wished me a Happy Mother's Day was a cashier at JCPenney's, who apparently thought I was Alex's mother.

Uh huh.


It was actually a pretty good weekend, though. She was maybe 1/3 as evil as she was 2 weekends ago, although still quite full of piss and vinegar and energy that could only come from the devil. She took really good naps both days, which helps her to be less whiny and cranky. And the crappy, rainy weekend weather that was predicted? It ended up being BEAUTIFUL. HOT HOT HOT and sun everywhere. GORGEOUS.

Trust me when I say that there was thorough enjoyment of the lovely days, which included a trip to the park to feed the ducks, as well as much playing in my parents' backyard on Saturday.

My husband and I played catch for HOURS with a set of velcro covered mitts and a ball. Fun! It's been YEARS since I've played catch, and I don't think I realized how much I missed being athletic at times. Of course, today (2 days later), my arm and back muscles are killing me. Which means I actually did something! WOO! Exercise!


This week had better go hella fast. That's all I'm sayin'.


Food I'm craving: more of my Bolthouse Farms drink
Song in my head: "Naughty Girl" - Beyonce


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