05.07.2004 9:17 a.m.
Boring Friday entry

Well, I did my good deed for the day. Sort of. Does it count if I got something out of it, too?

I went through my books last night and put a bunch of paperbacks in a bag to bring into work to give to people. I needed to clean out my collection anyway, so I can get some NEW books. And I figured, I can either give them to Goodwill, or I can see if people I work with want to read them. I figured I'd see if they could go to good homes first.

Everyone seemed quite pleased. I think the least amount someone took was two, and another person took about twelve. Hopefully they'll get much enjoyment out of them. And now I can fit MORE books on my bookshelf! Hooray!

(Did I mention my severe addiction to reading?)


Thank goodness it's Friday. This week was quite long. Too bad the weather is going to be so crappy this weekend. I'd like to get some more landscaping and such done. We DEFINITELY need to Weed and Feed the lawn.

Well, more WEED than FEED, actually. We already have quite a jungle, but the weeds in the yard are doing even better than the grass.

I have a feeling I'll be spending quite a bit of time mowing this summer. Whoo hoo!



Food I'm craving: dougnuts
Song in my head: "Iko Iko"


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