05.05.2004 6:50 p.m.
Hot Stone Massage

After the day I had, can I just say that a HOT STONE MASSAGE was exactly what I needed?

Thank Goddess I scheduled this appointment two weeks ago. If I hadn't had a massage tonight, I might have gone home and run 6 miles on my treadmill (as I tend to do when I have work anger and frustration powering me), or done something...eh, destructive. For a while after my massage, I could barely remember my own name, so doing something destructive wasn't really possible.

My review of hot stone massage:

Holy fucking PURR

I think during most of it I kept thinking:

*Ay de mi!

*Ay, dios mio!




*Holy WOW

That was pretty much it. Over and over. For an hour. Oh, and I might have thought, "Don't fall asleep and snore or drool! Don't fall asleep and snore or drool!" a few times.

I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert on receiving massage, and I can safely say that hot stone massage definitely goes a step further than even an hour and a half full-body massage. Basically, it's like having your muscles IRONED. (Except without searing flesh and pain.) It just takes all the stress and tension and pain away, and leaves you feeling LOVELY.

I went to move my arms up off the end of the table when I was on my stomach, getting up, and my arms just flopped right off the table. I was like, "Hey! Lookit that!"

I was impressed with myself for being able to get my bra back on without too much trouble tonight. Generally that requires too much thought for my post-massage brain.

All in all? I highly recommend that everyone get one. And soon. For only $75, it's a bargain!

Food I'm craving: still strawberry shortcake. dammit.


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