05.04.2004 9:18 a.m.
Stuff and more stuff


Is it coincidence, or not, that every day I develop a headache around 8:30 AM or so, and it steadily gets worse and more painful during the day? About a half an hour after I get home, it mysteriously goes away. I also get eye twitches at work nearly every day now.

Hmm...coincidence? Psychosomatic? Or is it evidence of the EXTREMEMLY HIGH LEVELS of stress at my job?

I'm not sure. At this point, though, it looks like I'll be taking ibuprofen every 4 hours for at least the rest of the year, or until I can leave this hellhole.



I think the kitties sometimes like my husband being gone. I woke up this morning with a fat cat lying along the side of me, and a little one sleeping in the nest created between my legs.

Silly kitties.



Last night I set some goals for myself: Do at least one load of laundry, and clean out the suitcases in the office (by doing laundry, mostly) and put them away.

I did a load of laundry, cleaned out one suitcase, sewed up a shirt I'd been meaning to mend for a month now, pulled a few items of clothing out to go to Goodwill, cleaned up the hamper/disaster area in our bedroom, and put the shoes that had been sitting in front of the bedroom dresser away in my closet. W00t!

Tonight's goals are to clean out the other suitcase, and wash a load of sheets and towels, and a white load with bleach. Hopefully I can maintain my cleaning momentum. I'd like to have the house look much improved upon my husband's return on Thursday night.


As soon as my husband and I join the gym (hopefully later this week), Operation Sexy Bitch will commence. Woo! I'm excited! I want to be able to wear more than three pairs of pants to work again. (After gaining back more weight than I lost last year, I'm unable to fit into my "skinny clothes," leaving me with only my remaining "fat clothes" as an option for work wear.)


Enough babbling for today. Back to work!


Food I'm craving: A tuna melt. Too bad it's not Tuna Melt Day.
Song in my head: "Naughty Girl" - Beyonce


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