04.28.2004 1:48 p.m.
Gross, gross, gross

Do you know how important hand washing is to germ control? Would it disgust you and/or frustrate you if you knew that someone who is very often sick, and uses the bathroom more than anyone DOESN'T wash their hands?

It does me.

That's why this morning I copied something from the CDC's website, printed it out, and taped it on the bathroom mirror. I thought maybe it would make someone think, or perhaps change their behavior. It didn't.

She went into the bathroom after it had been up for a few hours, took it off the mirror, tore it up, and threw it away.

Perhaps she LIKES knowing that she's generally the cause of whatever sickness gets passed around our work. She must.

That may be why she coughs all over her hands and then empties the dishwasher in the morning. Or why she coughs all over files and then gives them to other people to do. Or walks around the hallways of the office and coughs without covering her mouth.

I have no idea.

All I know is that I've had a sore throat for the past 2 days, and I REALLY don't want to get sick right now.

All I know is that a woman in her 40's, with a 5-year-old germ magnet at home, should know how to practice proper hygiene and germ control. It's common sense, right?

Maybe it's her own version of germ warfare. I have no idea. All I know is that telling her "Wash your hands!" hasn't worked, and the passive-aggressive method of posting information hasn't worked. Any other ideas? Because it's seriously becoming very disgusting to work here.

Either she starts washing her hands, or I start following her around with a can of Lysol and spraying everything she comes into any sort of contact with.

Food I'm craving: the cake we'll be having for April birthdays at 3:30
Song in my head: "Sin wagon"


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