04.14.2004 11:19 a.m.
Printer HELL

Ugh. I hate coming to work when it seems like I JUST LEFT.

It probably seems that way today because I didn't get out of here until 7:20 PM or so. I was going to "stay a little late" to "finish working on this file." Little did I know that the file that I thought would be easy ended up being a giant pain in the ass.

Once I finally had everything done, and was ready to print, then I couldn't print. To ANY of the printers in the office. I was about to cry. Finally I got on my officemate's computer and printed to the receptionist's desk.


Last night I went home, realized American Idol wasn't going to be on because the monkey would be speaking, and had to figure out something else to watch. I ended up watching a rerun of Law and Order SVU on USA from 8-9, then two episodes of Psychic Detectives on Court TV from 9-10, and the first episode EVER of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

I'm glad they found the guys that are on the show now. They ROCK.

The straight guy on last night's show was DIRTY. Dear God. He liked the tousled look for his hair, so he went THREE WEEKS without washing it. Ew! The dirty LOOK is fine. Actually being dirty? Not so good.

The best part of the show was when the straight guy's girlfriend said, "My favorite shirt of his was the one he wore the first time he met my mom that said, 'I only date crack whores'." Nice, eh? Now that's CLASS!

(Just to clarify, I find that shirt to be funnier than hell. I'm only appalled that he choose that particular message to convey to his girlfriend's mom upon meeting her for the first time. Apparently he has no concept of the word "inappropriate.")

And that was pretty much my night. I'm just a partier I guess.

Then this morning I get to work and the printer STILL DOESN'T WORK. I left a note last night saying it was probably time to reboot the server, as it was being really wonky. This morning, the IT guy tried several things that didn't work, and FINALLY ended up having everyone get out of the system so he could reboot the server.

Um, didn't I tell him that's what he needed to do? At like, 8 AM?

Eh, what do I know? I'm just a GIRL!


At least today is TUNA MELT DAY. It's really quite sad how excited I get about a damn sandwich. (Of course, I'm also completely obsessed with my next tattoo, so that sort of makes up for it in coolness points.)


Food I'm craving: TUNA MELT
Song in my head: That music they play in westerns when there's about to be a shootout


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