04.13.2004 10:34 a.m.
More tattoo desires and strange dreams

I've been having strange dreams lately... Dreams about the end of my marriage. Dreams in which a major part is the feeling of distance between my husband and I... Last night I spent most of a dream looking at him across long distances, wishing we could be closer together.

It's strange that I'm having all these dreams NOW, when he's been staying home more and our relationship is doing better than it ever has been. He's in Detroit this week (just from Monday through Wednesday), so maybe that's it. Or something. I have no idea. Or maybe these dreams are just meant to make me realize how different things are now.

I'm not sure.


I still really want my "Om" tattoo on my wrist. I still really want gnomad to do it.

Has anyone ever had a tattoo on their wrist before? I've heard it's QUITE painful, but I'm not sure. Everyone's pain tolerances are different. Even if it is painful, it's not going to change my mind. I can just SEE it there. I need it there.



Files are piling up. I'm definitely coming in on Saturday. Dammit!

Back to work...

Food I'm craving: the Roly Poly wrap I ordered for lunch
Song in my head this morning: "Perhaps, Pehaps, Perhaps" followed by "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"


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