04.09.2004 12:50 p.m.
Good Friday


It's Good Friday, the market is closed, our home office is closed, all the fund companies are closed, and I'm at work.

I think I may work for Satan. I'll have to get back to you on that, though.

Yeah. So, it's Friday. Yippee skippy.

This weekend's plans include visiting with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece and nephew who are in town from Pennsylvania. Woo! Oh, and plans also include not going to church. Double WOO!

There will also be hanging out with Alex. Possibly some shopping as well.

Sounds like a packed-full-of-fun weekend, doesn't it?

Yeah, to me too.

Now you see why I'm in such a hurry to get things rolling...


And now, I'll leave you with this:

In the words of a very wise man*, "The road to mediocrity is littered with empty ketchup packets."





*Okay, so I don't know if whoever came up with the little saying on my mild taco sauce was either wise or a man, but oh well.

Food I'm craving: Nothing. I'm stuffed from my Taco Bell lunch.
Song in my head this morning: "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads...fish heads, fish heads, eat them up YUM!"


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