04.07.2004 10:21 a.m.
Feelings...Whoa, whoa, whoa feelings

The clients whose file I'm working on right now have assets totaling $4,416,222.11.

Yes, you read that right. A little over $4.4 million dollars.

How poor do I feel right now?


I even looked at their ages, thinking maybe they were very old and they'd been working for 50 years in order to earn that much.

Nope. They're both 59 years old.

Sometimes, my job makes me feel like a giant pile of shit that has all these dreams and aspirations, but hasn't accomplished anything.

What a lovely feeling.


I have so much I feel I should do tonight.

I need to get on my damn treadmill, and run AT LEAST a mile.

I need to do at least one load of laundry, so I can stop wearing socks that don't match. (At least they're both black...usually.)

I need to go buy a new battery for the watch that died sometime between last night and this morning.

I need to sew up holes in a couple of shirts.

I need to clean the damn bathroom.

I want to clean up my nightstand.

We might have to go visit my husband's grandma in the hospital. (She's having double heart bypass surgery today.) I hate that place of illness and death. I don't even know that she'll be conscious enough to know if we go. Personally, if I had my chest cracked open, and four people's hands digging around in there, I'd be pretty well worn out, and wouldn't much like company.

Then again, I'm a cranky pseudo-hermit.

Eh. We'll see.

Why does it seem that there's always so much to do, and so little time to do it in?

Food I'm craving: TUNA MELT!
Song in my head this morning: The theme song to Monster House


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