03.15.2004 12:17 p.m.
Semi-boring weekend

I'm swinging between two emotions today: excitement at the thought of getting OUT of this damn state for a few days and going to one of my favorite cities in the world, and sadness at the thought of missing my cats while we're down there.

I think I have officially wandered into CRAZY CAT LADY territory.

Shhh...don't tell anyone. They might lock me up.


I know my parents will take good care of them while we're gone. I'm just going to miss having them around to talk to and cuddle with every day.

But, I will survive. I will do my best to partake of all the glorious things New Orleans has to offer (without ending up in jail or in a coma due to massive alcohol consumption) without getting too depressed about the cats being so far away.



This weekend was not too exciting.

We didn't have Alex because with her being terribly sick all week, and me being terribly sick all week, we didn't want to risk cross-contamination in the off chance that we didn't have the same strain of CRAP that was going around. So, this meant sleeping in and taking it pretty easy. We got some things done around the house, which was good. We also got to go out for a few hours last night, which was good.

"Everything in moderation" and all that.

And now it's Monday, and I'm terribly unmotivated. The only thing that's keeping me working is the possibility that we might hit the $10 million mark this week, which would mean our first $300 bonus VERY SOON.


Hooray for generous bosses and GIANT projects at work!


Days Until New Orleans: 2 days, 4 hours
Song in my head: "Da da da" - Trio


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