03.09.2004 9:38 a.m.
Drugged up thoughts

This entry is brought to you by a lack of sleep and "medicine head," courtesy of DayQuil.



So far this morning...

-I woke up at 4 AM and was unable to go back to sleep for an hour or so.

-Before I got in the shower, Callie was playing some sort of game of tag with invisible friends, where the bath mat and the bathroom rug were both "safe." She'd be laying on the bath mat, and suddenly pounce on the bathroom rug...then turn around and pounce back on the bath mat. It was HILARIOUS. Az just sat there looking at Callie like she was NUTS.

-A semi was in a ditch off the highway, and the tow truck in the MIDDLE OF THE DAMN HIGHWAY to pull the semi out. Traffic back-ups everywhere.

-Got to work, and after being here for about 20 minutes, the alarm at the accounting firm went off. That went on for about 15 minutes (LOUD SIREN) before it was turned off.


I brought cough medicine with me today. The whole damn bottle. Wheee! Hopefully it'll help me not cough as much today. I was completely exhausted last night, I think mostly from coughing so much during the afternoon.

Being sick pretty much sucks.

Days Until New Orleans: 8
Song in my head: Freaking "She Bangs" sung by William Hung, thanks to a co-worker


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