03.08.2004 10:53 a.m.
Jumbled thoughts

My thoughts are quite jumbled today. I fear that no matter how I break up the things I want to talk about, it will still make no sense at all. Please bear with me.


Did anyone watch the Trading Spaces Home Free episode last night?

We did.

Can I just say that both couples last night were so freaking GOOD and NICE and whatever that it made me want to run out and rob a liquor store, get out the bong, have a big orgy or SOMETHING to combat their goody goodiness? Jeez.

The one guy who gave up a career in graphic design to be a minister, though...DUH. The painting of his that they kept showing was absolutely AMAZING. That he is sort of ignoring this God-given gift to preach just blows my mind. KEEP PAINTING!!


I need a pimp name. I really do. I tried to think of one for myself all the way back to work from the dentist, and all my ideas for names were shitty as hell. Anyone have a good one?

I say this because I now have a gold crown. I totally forgot that it was going to be gold instead of porcelain. At least it's all the way in the back of my mouth, but STILL.

Hmm...now that's another valuable thing that I'll have on me at all times. People don't kill you for gold crowns, do they?

AND, my dentist rocks. He gave me a prescription for a Z-Pack for my cold. W00t! Who needs doctors, when you can just go to the dentist to get drugs?

"Not I," said the fly.


License plate seen on a Dodge truck on the way to work:


Interesting, eh?


My husband was driving to Detroit today. He was supposed to IM me when he got there. So far I haven't heard from him... I hope he's not dead in a ditch somewhere.



Alrighty, then.


(I REALLY could use a nap.)

Days until New Orleans: 9
Song in my head: "I'm a motherf--kin' P-I-M-P"


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