03.05.2004 10:46 a.m.
"Meh" and "Feh" and "Blah"

I think I need a resounding "MEH!!" to express the general feeling of the day.

My throat is still quite painful, and I've now begun (as of this morning) coughing up nasty bits of yellow crap. My husband assures me that this is a good thing and means that my body is getting rid of the ICK, instead of hinting that my body is rotting from the inside as I suspected.

I'd love to get to work today, but my brain is too busy thinking about taxes and numbers and figures and money to do anything work-related. It's mostly stuck on the fact that I seem to be destined to be BROKE, no matter how much I make.

(Hooray! It's payday! Oh damn...car payment. Buh-bye paycheck! I'll try not to waste the $25 I have left for the week.)

The only good thoughts rattling around in my head are that New Orleans is in less than two weeks (WHOO! Too bad I won't have any MONEY to spend!) and that I didn't get any new holes last night from giving the kitty her medicine. Hooray!

Feh. Nearly 6 hours left of work. I'd better find something to keep me entertained. I REALLY don't want it to be the 5 files sitting up there waiting for me to work on them. But, if I must, I must.


Food I'm craving: the dried apricots we have at home that are to the right of the sink on the kitchen counter
Song in my head: "I've got a lovely bunch of apricots" (I'm substituting apricots for coconuts)


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