03.04.2004 1:17 p.m.
Scratches and holes

I think by the time we get done giving the cat all of her liquid antibiotics, I will be completely covered with holes and scratches.

At last count:

-2 scratches on right forearm, one of which looks like it's going to scar (deep)

-hole on knuckle of left thumb

-hole in palm of right hand (I thought it was a weak attempt at the stigmata, but apparently it's not.)

-fresh scratch on left side of chest (That'll teach me to only be wearing a camisole and pajama pants when we give the cat her medicine. I need some sort of sweater or Kevlar or football pads instead.)

-scabbed scratch under my right breast

-hole on right side of right middle finger, when palm is facing away from me

Ummm...let's see. I think that's it. I'm pretty sure it is, anyway. I won't know for sure unless I undress and check out my body inch by inch, but I'm pretty sure work is not the appropriate place for that. Right?

Of course, the list will most likely grow after tonight's dosing, as no matter how quickly I grab at her "bunny-kicking" back feet, and hold her down with my hand on her chest, I somehow end up with her claws making contact with my flesh through all her flailing.

Jeez. It seems like she'd know that I'm not trying to KILL her...I just want to make her BETTER.

At least she's slightly better than the child, who sometimes has the tendency to immediately vomit the medication back up all over herself.

Hmm...yeah. I think given the choice, I'd go with looking like some sort of victim in a war fought only with toothpick spears than having to clean up vomit.

I guess it's true!

It all just depends on how you look at things!

Food I'm craving: nothing. food. bleh.
Song in my head: Edward Hung singing "She Bangs"


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