02.23.2004 11:50 a.m.
Weekend and tech troubles

Technical difficulties early this morning set the feeling for the whole day.

God, I HATE Mondays...

At least this weekend was pretty fun. Saturday morning/early afternoon was my shoot with the photographer in Lansing. When we got there and he opened the door, all I could think was, "Holy CRAP, he's OLD." He was probably around 78-80 years old. Damn.

At least I didn't bring any lingerie with me. That would have been really weird. Like getting half-nekkid in front of my grandpa or something. Even when he said "Pull up on the skirt a little bit like you're showing off your thigh" toward the end, I thought "but what if you have a heart attack?"

Jeez. Oh well. At least I earned $60, and got a CD of images from him. I might post something after I get some of them edited.

After the shoot, my lovely husband took me to the oh-so-delicious White Castle for a snack/lunch-type-meal. When we had consumed our gourmet meal there and were on our way back home, I called my cousin to let her know when we'd come pick her up.

Unfortunately, she ended up having a fever around 103, and a REALLY sore throat, so she decided not to come. Bummer! Oh well. At least she was kind enough to not want to risk infecting the rest of us.

So, my husband and I went home and got changed. We headed for my friend's house, after stopping at Meijer's and buying a six pack each of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer. YUM!

We were looking for his address when my husband said "I'll bet it's the house with all the guys playing hockey in the road." Indeed, it was. Bill had shorts and socks with flip flops on. Silly boy. *grin* Later his outfit featured a dead-animal hat with ear flaps. He was the essential GQ-looking man. HA!

We ended up staying until about 11 PM or so. After 5 beers, I was getting pretty tired. We headed home and managed to get in some drunken sex before I passed out.

Yesterday we didn't get up for the day until 2:30 PM. About 3 different times one of us would say "Okay. We should really get up in a few minutes."

We'd agree, and then one of us would fall back asleep again. It was nice to just allow myself to sleep in as long as I wanted, though. I need a day like that every few months.

We spent the rest of the day running errands and getting stuff done around the house. We can actually use our kitchen sink again, since we took about an hour and a half to do all the dishes that had piled up. YAY!

I feel like the weekend was full of stuff, but I still didn't get hardly anything done. And I know next weekend will bring the same lack-of-accomplishment feeling, as we can never really get much done when we have the munchkin. Oh well.

Eh, back to work. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Food I'm craving: fettucine alfredo


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