02.10.2004 9:10 a.m.
Hilarity and companionship

Last night ROCKED. Sometimes I forget that I don't have to be a hermit, and that I have friends who are SO MUCH FUN to hang out with.

I met Courtney, my sister, and Chrys at the bar last night. My husband showed up when he finally got back from East Lansing. Then two other guys showed up, who I had never met before, but who ended up being a laugh riot.

We drank, and ate, and talked, and laughed, and told stories. My chest actually hurt from laughing so hard.

Once we felt we had worn out our welcome at the bar, my sister and one of the guys accompanied my husband and I back to our house to hang out. We watched TV, smoked a bit, and kept talking and laughing. It was so much fun.

The crappy part of the evening was when a girl called from some gym around here. She wanted to talk to me about getting a gym membership at some sort of deal, and I just didn't have the concentration or thinking power to talk to her. Eventually, I got across the point that I wasn't interested, and she said, "So you're not interested then?"

I said, "No, I'm not."

She said, "Okay........" and just SAT THERE on my phone. Eventually I had to hang up on her. What else could I do?


Around 10 pm, my sister and Chris left, and my husband and I went upstairs. After some kick-ass nookie, I (semi-) got ready for bed, and turned off the light and the TV.

Once I had shut my eyes for a few minutes, I asked my husband if he would please make the room stop spinning so I could go to sleep. Eventually I think I just laid there with my eyes open until I became so exhausted that I fell asleep.


All in all, a fun time was had by all.


Food I'm craving: nothing, really
Song in my head this morning: that "gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now" commercial jingle


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