01.06.2004 3:11 p.m.
The dentist

If you were to look into my office right now, you'd probably catch me poking at the left side of my face. This is because I can't feel it, because of the Novicaine. It seems like one or two pokes would tell me that "Nope...still don't have any feeling," but it's not. For some reason I just keep poking and poking at it.

Getting my cavity filled wasn't too bad, actually. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

The shot part sort of sucked, but my dentist was right when he said I'd only feel one poke. Apparently he just numbs the outside first. Then once that kicks in, he'll numb a bit deeper. Then deeper. And deeper. I only felt the first two or so pokes. After that, it was smooth sailing.

Of course, I still cried. I'm the biggest wuss ever. It was only a couple tears, though, with no sobbing or anything.

The actual drilling and filling part wasn't too bad either. It was weird... I'm used to being this big tensed up ball when they're drilling, because usually I can feel EVERYTHING. This time, since I was numb, I was able to relax. It was kind of cool.

The part where he tried to cram about four instruments and his fingers into my mouth wasn't too fun, though. I guess my lips are not very stretchy.

He said, "You have a very small mouth!"

I thought, "My mouth isn't big enough for all of us."

The dentist told me he had to drill out nearly my entire tooth, and rebuild it. "If it hurts, let me know. You might need a root canal."

Guess who won't be saying anything even if it's killing me?

Ding ding ding.



So that was my fun for today.

The highlight tomorrow?

A bikini wax!

If you didn't know any better, you'd think I was a masochist.



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