01.07.2004 9:17 a.m.
Winter sucks and Obnoxious Kitties

Yeah. So I shoveled the driveway last night (the guy from across the street who has a snowblower helped me - How sweet!). When I went out to my car this morning to warm it up and scrape it off, there was another 3 inches of snow on the ground.

What's the point, then?

Bah. Stupid winter.


The cats are becoming more obnoxious by the day, I think. I was lying in bed last night, watching t.v. and talking to my husband on the phone. I heard noises coming from the bathroom. I knew it was the cats just knocking things down off the sink to get my attention so I'd give them a drink, so I ignored them for a few minutes until I got off the phone.

By the time I went in there, they had unrolled and "killed" a little bit of the roll of toilet paper (our LAST roll in the house, mind you), knocked my husband's deoderant and a tube of toothpaste off the back of the toilet, my hair goo (Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Paste) into the garbage can, and finally a cup containing two tubes of toothpaste and my retainer onto the floor.

(Wow. I just noticed I that I mentioned three tubes of toothpaste up there. The sad thing is that we have two more besides the ones I mentioned. I think we may have a small obsession with toothpaste. Mental note: use up old toothpaste before buying new kinds.)

I walked in, scolded them for wasting toilet paper ("We don't have much left!") and muttered phrases of irritation while picking everything up and putting it where it belonged.

Then I turned on the water so they could drink. Little beasts!

They totally have us trained, though. It's quite sad.

Who exactly is the master, and who is the pet?

Food I'm craving: Nothing right now. I just had 4 doughnut holes. *grin*


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