12.11.2003 10:32 a.m.
Puppy cats and bad dreams

I think Callie thinks she's a dog. She plays fetch. Especially at night, right when we're trying to go to sleep.

Like last night. She brought her straw up onto the bed, and proceeded to bat it around like a lunatic, occasionally getting her claws caught on the down comforter. After a few minutes of this, my husband took the straw and threw it on the floor. Callie immediately hurled herself off the bed, THUNK!!ed very loudly on the floor, grabbed the straw, and brought back up on the bed.

Begin process again.

And again.

And again.

She was doing that the other night, too, when we were involved in some...*ahem*...quality time. She'd bring the straw up on the bed and play with it, and every single time one of us threw it on the floor, she'd fetch it and bring it back up to us.

Silly puppy cat.


Strange dreams last night. Dark ones. No idea where my subsconscious cooks these things up. No one was trying to kill me for a change... It was worse. My husband divorced me for not being willing to participate in group sex and swinging.


Where the hell did I get that one?

Needless to say, the entire dream was very sad, and I spent most of it crying, if only in the dream world.

I guess I was about due for a bad dream, though. It's been a while...


Thank goodness it's Thursday, and tomorrow is Friday, and I don't have anything going on this weekend. Praise Allah!


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