12.01.2003 3:53 p.m.
Thanksgiving weekend update

I swear to whoever that someone issued a memo this morning that said "Please do your best to drive like an absolute moron today. Especially try to swerve into another lane right in front of another vehicle and then SLAM ON YOUR BRAKES, just to cause terror and alarm. Thank you."

On the way to class today (which, by the way, takes me about 7 minutes), not one but TWO cars swerved in front of me at the last minute, and then slammed on their brakes. As it turned out, the first minivan was turning, but didn't even turn their damn turn signal on. The second vehicle just didn't know what the hell they were doing. Apparently they thought they won some sort of prize for being in my lane... Or something. I don't know. Anyway, I HATE STUPID DRIVERS.


My Thanksgiving weekend was lovely. Can I just tell you how nice it was to sleep in until noon on Thanksgiving day? It was HEAVENLY. *grin* And yes, I've already been called lazy about ten times, so anyone else telling me that isn't necessary.

Thanksgiving dinner was okay, except for the fact that it was about two hours later than it was supposed to be, and I had to listen to my huband's monstrously obnoxious cousins throughout it. They are 8,10, and 11, and are all pretty much in that screaming/shrieking/acting like idiots phase. I think I may have to put suicide on the calendar for when Alex gets to be that age. Then again, she might be too busy beating up the boys and climbing trees to become too shrieky.

The day after Thanksgiving involved shopping, shopping, and more shopping. My husband got up at 5:30 AM in order to go to Best Buy to get some 256 mg memory cards for the camera we already have, as well as the $1000 one that he wants. I stayed in bed and slept. The kitties joined me. When he got back, he climbed back into bed with me, and we slept until 10:30 or so.

Once we got ready, we went to Kohl's ($91 worth of clothes), Menard's, umm... Umm... Why can I not remember where else we went? Oh, right. Target, Walgreens... I think there were more. Stupid Alzheimers.

Yeah, so we did some shopping. Saturday we hung out with my family and went to my dad's side's Christmas get-together thing. It was pretty fun. I got somewhat knockered on wine. Whoops!

Yesterday we pretty much chilled until I had to take him to the airport. The entry yesterday was due to my being a little lost anymore when he goes somewhere. I get used to him being around, and I don't know what to do with myself when he's not there. I must get used to him traveling again. At least I have projects to do. I told him I might paint the hallway while he's gone, and I bought a few things at the fabric store on Sunday that I can work on. I bought a maribou boa that I need to sew onto my angel wings to disguise the straps, a 1 yard scrap of really pretty purple fabric that I think I'll use to make a skirt, and a fun stained-glass type thing. That should entertain me for a while, at least.

Eh, back to work. Stupid work.


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