11.30.2003 8:21 p.m.
Wandering aimlessly

I feel restless tonight. Displaced somehow.

I've spent the last few hours wandering from room to room, from floor to floor, no purpose or goal in mind. Just wandering.

I come upstairs. Go into the computer room and check e-mail. Wander into the bedroom and look around. For what?

I don't know.

Go downstairs to the main floor. Sit on the couch and watch TV for a minute. Look at the front cover of whatever sales ad is on top of the stack. Get restless. Move on.

Downstairs. Look into the dark family room. Not sure why.

Check on the laundry. Look at the litter boxes. (I must clean those.) Continue to wander aimlessly.

No purpose other than killing a few more minutes of this endless evening.


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