11.04.2003 1:56 p.m.
Tough decisions

I'm torn.

I don't know whether I want to take YET ANOTHER class at night next semester, or to just take the semester off and start up again next fall, when I can hopefully start working part time and going to school full time. There are very few classes anymore that I need that fit into my schedule. After my Philosophy class this semester, I've decided not to take any more classes during the day.

I need to take Organismal Biology to complete a year of Biology that will transfer to the university. (It goes along with Cellular Biology which I already took and 4.0ed.) Of course there's only two sections of it, and they're both during the day. There's a lab, too, which would make the class even longer.

I also need to take General Chemistry I. That class is made up of lectures two nights a week and a lab one night a week that goes until 10 FREAKING PM!!

Quick, ask me if I want to work from 8 am until 5 pm, and then be in class from 5:30 until 10 pm.

Umm...I think I'll pass...thanks.

This is getting harder and harder. I'm getting frustrated.

I'm frustrated and I'm torn.

I don't know if I want to take Russian II next semester, which would cost money and would take up two nights a week again, just so I have a chance of remembering what I've learned this semester. Part of the deciding factor on that is how I do this semester. If I do poorly in the first semester, I don't want to take another semester where I will most likely do just as badly.

My husband last night suggested that I take the winter semester off, and set aside two nights a week to write. I've already got one book started, and I've got an idea for another one. All I need now is time to write.

So, I'm torn.

Do I take time off school, knowing that the more time I take off, the harder it is to get back into it? Knowing that the more time I take off, the longer I'll need to be in school? Knowing that I could actually have a life, or even time to work on my book? Knowing that I wouldn't need to start saving RIGHT THIS MINUTE in order to pay my tuition by the due date in early December?

Or do I take another class, possibly blow this one off too, and drag down my GPA even more? Who needs a life, right?

Meh. I'm frustrated. I know I don't have to decide RIGHT THIS SECOND, but I'd like to figure out what the hell I'm doing. I like planning for the future. Being spontaneous (especially when it relates to my future) scares me.

Any advice?


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