10.05.2003 3:34 p.m.
Things I learned this weekend

-Saying "Damn the rowdy nipples!" can make three grown men giggle like schoolgirls.

-I can take direction quite well, as long as the words "right" and "left" aren't used.

-If "right" and "left" are used in directions, chances are I will move the wrong side.

-My comfort level in front of the camera is inversely proportional to the amount of clothing I'm wearing. (You'd think it would be the opposite, don't you?)

-I have no sense of where anything on my body actually is.

-Modeling actually is hard work. It's HARD to hold a position that you only get into based on the following instructions: "arch your back, stick your butt out further, chest out, left elbow bent a little bit more, right hand further down on your leg, right heel moved back just a TINY bit, look over there, keep your eyes open, don't smile" for about two minutes at a time, or until they actually get the shot they want.

-Having a good short-term memory is a bonus when doing a photo shoot. Unless you can freeze yourself when someone says "hold it RIGHT THERE for another minute," your short term memory needs to hold the exact position of every part of your body from head and torso to toes until they get the camera ready again.

-My short term memory? Not so good.

-I need to exercise more. Flexibility and strength are helpful when you're trying to get into a new and interesting position, and hold it.

-I have no control over the following: my nipples, my eyes being closed at inopportune times, my feet when I'm wearing high heels, the back of my hair standing up and looking weird without anyone touching it, yawning.


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