09.17.2003 9:13 a.m.
TV Shows and exams

Did anyone watch Performing As on Fox last night? How FREAKING AWESOME was Brian Duprey as Frank Sinatra?

REALLY freaking awesome, I'd say.

He sounded so much like Frank Sinatra, and the sparkles in his eyes literally gave me goosebumps. It takes a special person to do that. Just look at him:

"Whoa!" right?

I was shocked when he actually won. Mostly because he was my favorite, and my favorite rarely wins.

And then I had to hear the thing about The OC not being on for 6 whole weeks because of the baseball playoffs.



*steam coming out of ears*

We don't need no stinkin' baseball! We need 90210-ish drama! Cute boys! Witty banter! Skinny girl! Dammit!

Watching my Tuesday night shows is pretty much the highlight of my week. (How sad does that sound?) And they're taking it all away from me! *sob!*


*deep breath*

Oh well. I'll get over it. I'll just have to find something else to watch on Tuesdays at 9 PM. Any suggestions?


Due to my Russian class being when it is, I can't go to my grandpa's viewing. Not that I really have much desire to go... I've already seen two dead people, and I pretty much know what they look like. I also know that if I miss one class in Russian, I'll be essentially screwed. He goes over way too much vocabulary, grammer rules, and pronunciation in every class for me to miss. The mere fact that I'm not quite ready for the Russian exam, though, kind of makes me want to send an e-mail to my teacher to see if I can make up the exam some other time.

But I won't. I'll take the test, and however well I do, I'll know that I earned it. I have to start studying more. I do fine with SPEAKING Russian, my pronunciation and accent are quite good, but my writing sucks. My reading comprehension has gotten much better, thank Goddess. I just wish that instead of the writing part we could just do an oral exercise or something instead.


"Oral exercise."

Yes, I'm 12 years old. Shut up.


Apparently everyone thinks I'm going to be raped or murdered or something at the photo shoots I have scheduled. My mom asked me last night what "safety precautions" I'm going to take to make sure they're not serial killers. I told her I'm going to bring a friend with me to every shoot. I also told her that my husband had already given me the Safety Talk, so I didn't need to hear it again.

Who knew I was so helpless and defenseless?

C'mon people...I've got self-defense and kickboxing training, I have pepper spray, I'm bringing a friend to keep an eye on things. I have NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER getting mean if I need to. I have an incredible sense of self-preservation (no matter how self-destructive I get sometimes). I will fight to the death if someone is trying to hurt me. Trust me. I've done it a million times in dreams. *grin* One of the benefits, I guess, of constantly having dreams where someone is trying to kill me. Only in real life I wouldn't suffer from "Slow-down syndrome." Punches and kicks will be in real-life speed, and I will be able to run at my normal speed.

I'll be fine, ya'll. Quit your worrying.


Have a Happy Hump Day, everyone!


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