09.09.2003 11:01 a.m.
Refrigerator Delivery Day!! and homework

This morning, for some unknown reason, the first scene from Billy Madison where he's walking around saying "Nudie magazine day! Nudie magazine day!" has been running through my head over and over and over and over...

I think it's because I want to walk around today saying, "It's Refrigerator Delivery Day! It's Refrigerator Delivery Day! Wheeeee!"

Once again, I must say: New appliances make me WAY too happy.

You know what else makes me happy? The fact that I don't have class tonight. I get to work straight through until 5 pm, and then I get to go home.

Of course, around 9 am this morning I wanted to shove a file up someone's ass for the first time. I'm not saying work is going to be FUN today. But, at least I don't have to break up my day to go to class.

And? Once I get home tonight I have to write a 2-page (probably pretty easy to write) paper for Intro to Philosophy for my debate topic. My paper is on how "Schools SHOULD NOT raise the cost of tuition." My section is basically the argument that there are other things schools can do to cut costs and save money, instead of just jumping straight to "Let's make the students pay for it!" I think I have some good information so far, but if anyone is bored today and wants to find me some other articles on "alternatives to increasing tuition," I wouldn't be too upset. *grin*


Wow. I think I've reached a new low. Asking people who read my online diary to help me with my homework.

I am offically ashamed of myself.


Okay, not really...


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