09.05.2003 11:01 a.m.
Stuff I want and accidents

First of all, may I just say...

This coat WILL BE MINE! Oh yes... It WILL be mine!

I am madly in love with it. And, since it's only $159 (which I think is a GREAT price for such a cute coat), I'm totally going to buy it.

Want to know what else I want? Okay, I'll show you!

I want this futon in a natural color for our living room. How cool is this thing? And it doesn't even look remotely like a futon!

We also just desperately need to replace our (my husband's) hideous 25-year-old brown couch. It's both ugly and falling apart. I don't see the need to hang onto it much longer.

In addition, getting this futon/couch would give us another place people could sleep if they need to crash at our place. Right now we have a choice of my comfy couch downstairs in the family room, and my step-daughter's hard twin size bed for other people to sleep. Joy. This couch is only $399, too. Another bonus!

God, I wish I was a millionaire. Then I could buy all the stuff I want right now without spending the next few months feeling guilty about it.

Good thing our refund check from our mortgage refinancing funded today. We should be getting it soon! Wheee! Paying off credit cards! Paying off debt! Getting out from under the HUGE weight of years worth of debt! It's so exciting...

Or maybe I'm just easy to make happy.


Last night, it took me probably 35 minutes to get home, when it normally takes me between 10 and 15, depending on traffic and stoplights. Know why? Because there was a fricking ACCIDENT at the same damn interchange where there's an accident between once and three times a week! From this fact, I have determined several things.

A) That interchange is the WORST IDEA EVER.

B) People are monkeys.

C) Monkeys cannot drive for shit.

How hard is it to start looking a few hundred yards back to decide where you're going to merge, and then to slow down or speed up in order to get into position? Seriously. It's NOT THAT HARD. I've had my fair share of accidents, and even I can figure out how to merge on a ramp.

They really just need to tear down that interchange/loop and make it into two separate ramps. Well, unless they want people to keep hitting each other, getting hurt, and a HUGE line of pissed off drivers essentially sitting in a parking lot for 1/2 hour at least once a week. I'm thinking they just don't really give a damn, since that interchange has been there ever since I can remember, and there have been accidents there ever since I can remember.

And with winter coming? It's EVEN WORSE in the winter. Ugh. I hate winter. Why do I still live in Michigan?


On that note, I want to wish everyone a happy weekend. Drive carefully!


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