08.18.2003 9:30 a.m.
"It's just like riding a bike"

"It's just like riding a bike," my ass.

Apparently everyone and their mother can ride a bike just fine after years of not doing it. I guess I'm just a freak. (What? Like this is news to anyone?)

So, my husband and I bought bikes this weekend. Well, strike that. He bought a bike for me, and got his for free using Nextel points from our 2-waying. It was some special they were doing last month. Whoo hoo! Free stuff! So, he gets them all put together and ready, and I warn him that I haven't ridden a bike in like... 7 years or so. I tell him I'm going to be retarded. I WARN him, and then forbid him from laughing at me.

First thing I do? Start riding into the street, then see a car coming, freak out and try to steer myself onto the sidewalk across the street, and end up in a pine tree. Or a blue spruce. Or something. Whatever it was, it tried to draw my blood. And from the look of my arm, I'm allergic to it. First thing he does? He laughs at me. I yell at him.

I eventually figured out how to ride the damn bike, and how to steer, but the whole time we're out my arm looks like I have leprosy or something. It's red and itchy and painful and has tiny welts ALL OVER IT. Super sexy, let me tell you!

But, it was a good workout. My thighs were KILLING me afterwards! Whoo hoo! I'm going to try to ride my bike or run on my treadmill every day. Yay for exercise!

Oh yeah, and another thing: MY ASS HURTS! Bony butts and not-very-padded bike seats do not get along well together. My chair at work is padded, and my bum still hurts like it's bruised! Gah!


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