08.15.2003 10:37 a.m.
Weeds and food

For a good laugh today, go see Sundry's latest entry. It totally cracked me up.


My gardens are driving me nuts. Actually, not so much the gardens as the PLETHORA of weeds in them. The plants we planted may not be doing so well, but the CORN that is growing from spilled bird seed is thriving, thank you very much. Plus there's some sort of strange plant growing out of our meter reading box thingy. It looks vaguely like a pepper plant, but it's not. Hmmm...

If it wasn't so cotton pickin' hot lately, I'd be out there weeding and taking care of the things that are annoying me. Unfortunately, I melt within seconds of stepping outside, and as much as I enjoy the "Dripping With Sweat" look, I don't really enjoy being super hot. One of these days I've just got to suck it up and weed. Maybe one night I'll set the alarm so I can go out in the middle of the night when it's cooler. Or maybe I'll weed naked.

Then again, maybe not.

At least our grass isn't growing, so I haven't needed to mow again lately. I think it might be in some sort of period of stasis, but that's fine by me.


I'm hungry, and already thinking about dinner this morning. I'm thinking I want some sort of tasty fish, and I found this tasty-sounding recipe that I might want to try. I'll have to let you know how it turns out!


Happy Friday everyone! May your weekend be full of fun and laughter!


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