07.28.2003 10:38 p.m.
Having a great time in Seattle

Today, instead of being here:

I was here:

My husband and I drove to Mt. Rainier National Park, drove along the winding mountain roads and oohed and aahed over all the sights. I thought eventually the gorgeous views of mountains and trees jutting into the pure blue sky would get old, but they actually didn't. It was AMAZING. The whole time we were looking at the views, hiking up a trail to see a waterfall, or just enjoying the sound of water rushing past us, I thought, "Holy crap! This is WAY better than being at work right now!" *grin*

Want to see a few more pretty pictures? This one is before we actually got very far into the park:

This is at the first stop, where we climbed down some rocks into a mostly-dry river bed. (I'm still wearing a bra at this point. It was down here that I said, "If this bra keeps digging into my sternum, someone is going to die." It certainly didn't last very long today.)

Climbing back up to get to our car, I commented, "Yeah...I would SUCK as a mountain goat." My foot placement was not exactly great, and I was pretty much counting the minutes until I broke an ankle. (The bra came off as soon as we got back into the car.)

Eventually we hiked a 2.2 mile roundtrip trail called the Wonderland Trail which led to Carter Falls, and a bit further on, MadCap Falls. Besides the GARGANTUAN deerfly and two bees that seemed to follow us everywhere we went on this trail, it was absolutely lovely. I definitely got a great workout today. The view was worth it, though.

About 50 yards beyond this gorgeous waterfall, there was a tiny trail leading down to the edge of the rushing water. I decided getting on a rock in the middle would be an EXCELLENT idea. So, here I am.

The water was FREEZING, but tasty. (If my husband and I die sometime soon, chances are it was the water we drank from this creek.) We had forgotten to bring water bottles on our little hike with us. Der. Survivalists, we are not.

Today was AWESOME. If you want to see some more pictures, check out this link.


Saturday we went to Pike's Place Market. It was pretty cool, but VERY crowded. It renewed my "People SUCK!" mentality. The shopping I enjoyed on the walk to the market was AWESOME, though. The highlight of my day? Being told by an Asian woman that I was skinny. *giant grin* We'll probably go back and check this place out again sometime this week.

Sunday we pretty much stayed in bed all day, watching TV and napping. We had big plans, but apparently I passed out, and when my husband said, "So, are we going?" I mumbled something about "sleep twenty minutes..." and passed back out. Oops.

We did eventually get up and go to Gordon Biersch Brewery for dinner, though. I tasted some delicious beer, and had some excellent chicken, sundried tomato, and pesto pasta. YUM.

I'm eating like a pig this trip, but at least we're walking A TON, so I'm working off what I eat. AND, I'm surviving having to go cold turkey off my scale.


Well, I just thought I'd update everyone! Leave me a note or sign my guestbook if you want to say hi!


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