07.14.2003 2:16 p.m.
I'm a cranky lunatic

The universe is conspiring against me today. It's coming together with all my co-workers into the shape of a giant bird that's going to take a HUGE crap on my head. I'm just waiting for it to fall.

It all started this morning when Mike brought in a file for his 10 AM appointment this morning. When did he bring it in to me, so I could do a financial statement for it? About 9:32 AM. Then he says, "Oh, and so I can show him a comparison of how much better he's doing now, can you do a year-end too?" Yes, because I do indeed just hit a button, and it pops out, correct numbers and everything.

*grumble* Jackass!

By the grace of *someone* I got both statements done with 8 minutes to spare. I took him the file, set it on his desk and said "Damn I'm good."

Then, because our main trading person is gone today and tomorrow, my officemate is doing trades. Is anyone helping me with the usual HUGE AMOUNT of files for phone calls that are coming in, as well as all the various projects people keep coming up with for us to do? OF COURSE NOT! That would just be silly, wouldn't it? In fact, the person who's usually supposed to help me is in fact bringing in MORE work for me to do!


God, I just keep thinking about the Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer I have at home right now. *sigh*

*wipes drool off of chin*

Only two and a half more hours of work, and putting up with stupid people. Then it's just me and my beer and the cats and my sandpaper as I sand the baseboards in the living room...

If, by 5 PM, no one ends up either dead or with a large file jammed up their ass, I will consider this a good day.


If you missed my previous entry from today, check it out here.


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