06.02.2003 10:52 a.m.
Torture and Turning 30

Do you know what my idea of torture is?

I have a few today...

The fact that my tattoo itches so freaking badly right now that if I accidentally hit it with my fingernail, it sends shivers of pleasure through my body. Yet I know that I CAN NOT scratch it, or else it will fade. TORTURE!

Also? All the guys I work with, except for one, are in Florida for June Jamboree this week. All of us ladies? Are having a pot luck on Thursday for lunch. Yeah, that's sort of like the same thing.

I have two cases of Corona left from our party this weekend, and I'm seriously considering bringing at least a case in for the potluck. I know damn well the guys will be drinking in Florida ("We'll be working all the time," MY ASS!), and since we're stuck here, we might as well get drunk and happy. Right?


My husband is now 30 years old. He's dealing with it pretty well so far, I think. He only made one comment on Saturday about feeling older. After all the bitching and moaning I've had to put up with over the last couple months, I'm surprised he's not just lying in bed, in our dark bedroom, buried under the covers, weeping. I told him that he could just be 29 forevermore, like most of the ladies I work with. I also tell him that even though he's turning 30, he still has a hot 23-year-old wife. *grin* That usually cheers him up.


First entry from today here.


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