05.22.2003 9:32 a.m.
Cats and appearances

Note to self: No more tops with strings on them. The kitties like them too much.

Today I'm wearing a top that has a string that ties in the back. While I was trying to tie it, I had Az behind me batting at my butt with her paws, trying to catch the strings. Then I was standing at the dresser, putting on the rest of my jewelery, when Callie came flying at me, and tried to attach herself to the back of my pants with her claws so she could reach the strings easier. OUCH. I think I screeched something unintelligable and threw her off of me. I have to remember to run quickly and in a way that they can't chase me when I'm wearing this top.


I am so happy that appearances are usually deceiving. I was thinking about this the other day...especially in relation to my office mate. When I first saw her, I thought, "Oh shit. Now I'll have to watch my swearing and stop belching and be on my best behavior." She looks so straight-laced and innocent.

I was so happy to learn that under that perfectly finished exterior lies a woman as disgusting and weird as I am. She swears like a sailor, just like I do. We like to argue over who is going to shove a file up whichever annoying co-worker's ass we're both mad at. We have PMS on the same week.

One fun past time we have is commenting on each other's belches...



"Good one. Nice OOMPH."



*Oh my god. Did you just vomit on your desk?"


*BELCH* (when a client is walking by, or the cute 27-year-old co-worker, or at some other inopportune time)

*both of us giggle for about 20 minutes afterwards*

Yesterday we had some sort of contest to see who could be louder when sucking the last of their chocolate malt out of the glass with the straw. What made that more interesting was that one of our co-workers was bringing a client back to his office right then...right past our office. *grin* We're good for the firm's image.



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