05.19.2003 1:27 p.m.

This is a Public Service Announcement:

McDonald's has brought back their Chicken Select Strips. I was SO angry when they put them out last year, got me addicted to them, and them took them away. I was ecstatically happy to see "Chicken Select Strips" on a McDonald's sign this past weekend. I was almost drooling on myself with glee this morning, anticipating when I could go to lunch to get some of these wonderful treats to eat.

I got a 6 piece meal and brought it back to work to eat it. My reaction? "Feh. That's it?" Perhaps it was just because I'd built them up so much in my mind that the real thing would never again be as good as what I had made them to be in my mind. Perhaps. Or perhaps my tastes have just changed. Or perhaps they just were never as good as I thought they were.

Whatever the reason, I'm very disappointed in the taste of the Chicken Select Strips now. This is probably a good thing, as I then won't be tempted to eat them each and every day for lunch. I won't have to sit idly by as my ass expands to three times its current size. Really, it's probably a blessing.


And to update everyone, this morning I was having a vicious PMS attack. I was exceptionally cranky. Now that I've eaten, I feel much better. You can feel free to approach me again.

Of course, my face still hurts, and I'm still waiting for offers of Vicodin.




Also, the stock market is going down the tubes today. Can someone PLEASE buy some stock so I can keep my job? Thanks so much.


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