01.16.2003 2:07 p.m.
Algebra is the Devil

I sat through my College Algebra class last night. I have an Indian professor who says things like, "Please see here...", "...my friends..." and other such fun phrases. At least he's somewhat amusing.

But, I have decided that all the stuff we've been doing in class has no point whatsoever other than to torture college students, and give professors something to teach. Seriously...who, besides math majors, will ever be asked to factor an equation in everyday life? I seriously can't imagine my boss walking up to me and asking me to "multiply this rational expression for me! Now!" It's just not going to happen.

Unfortunately, because my major IS science, I will be forced to take quite a few math classes as well. Blah. My mind is just not logical in the way it needs to be in order to do math. I am so much more creative than I am logical.

Oh well. I'm a good student. I study in order to get good grades. I guess I'll just memorize what I need to for the test, and then forget it.

If I think Algebra is hard, I can't wait to see what I think of Calculus when I get to it.

Is anyone besides me even reading this? Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there?


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