2003-01-13 9:20 a.m.
A case of the Mondays

Blah, it's Monday. Day 4 on Paxil CR. My stomach hurt really, really badly for about 2 hours on Friday and Saturday around 1:30 pm-3:30 pm. Finally yesterday it didn't hurt at the same time. I know it's the medication. I think it was just my body getting used to it.

Haven't noticed much difference in my feelings. I might be a little bit happier, just because I know it's going to work. So far my sex drive hasn't suffered too much. *grin*

I'm not looking forward to going to Algebra tonight. I hate math. At least I have my new-to-me gently used TI-83 graphing calculator! Whoo hoo! Now if only I remembered how to use one of these things... It's been about 8 years since I've used a graphing calculator. Did I mention I hate math?

At least I'm not completely DREADING it like I am my Intro to Poli Sci class tomorrow night. The one guy who can't keep his damn mouth shut might just have to die within the next couple of weeks. I just want to stand up in the middle of class and ask him if he doesn't realize that not everything the teacher says needs either a comment or a response. Hello? Rhetorical questions? And YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN CLASS!!! *phew!* I feel better now.

Well, I suppose I'd better get back to work. Oh yeah, work. That's what I'm here in this office for. I had forgotten.


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