12.13.2005 7:36 p.m.
Things I have learned v. 2,038

Things I have learned in the past few weeks:

*It is possible for me to actually shake with rage, as opposed to my hypoglycemic shaking or my regular everyday shaking.

*When you are extremely stressed, it is possible for the entire area around your eye to twitch. And here I'd always thought it was just the eyelid that did that.

*The second stall on the left side of the bathroom at Target has a door that swings open whenever someone around you slams their door. Also, people find it impossible to enter or leave a bathroom stall without slamming their door.

*No matter how vehemently you wish for it every night, your work building will not fall victim to a freak explosion so you won't have to go to work the next day. Dammit.

*Being treated like a moron is 1,000 times worse when the person treating you like a moron actually is one.

*I have entirely too much STUFF. Won't you take some of it off my hands?

*If Betty (the mannequin) were a real person, she would have either a serious concussion or severe brain damage by now. Also, the light fixture at the top of the stairs by the bathroom is much lower than I think it is. And, it is exceptionally ugly. But also, low.

*Trans-Siberian Orchestra fucking rocks live.

*I can still be witty and amusing online, even if I'm feeling quite cranky and bitchy toward the people I interact with every day.

Listening to: a taped (Moxi-ed) episode of the Tyra Banks show. Shut up.
Reading: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey


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