11.15.2005 8:32 p.m.
You'd think I hate everything

Hey, Mr. Template Man... Any idea where all my images went?


Tonight is one of those dark and dreary nights when it would be wonderful to cuddle up with Mr. Science-Girl in front of a fire to just hang out and watch TV. Unfortunately, Mr. SG is currently in Indianapolis and our fireplace doesn't actually work anyway. We need to get part of it fixed. Actually we were supposed to get it fixed when we moved in...umm...almost 3 years ago. And we would probably need to convert it from a coal-burning to a wood-burning or a gas fireplace. Are there even coal-burning fireplaces any more?

And (to get back to something weather-related) it's supposed to snow tomorrow.


I am SO not ready for snow. At all.

I'd really prefer that it only snow on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas, and New Years.

Maybe not even New Years.

If I lived on a movie set, that preference would be somewhat realistic. As I live in the occasionally frozen tundra of the midwest, though, I can pretty much expect plenty of the white stuff for the next five months or so.



I can't help but think more and more lately that if the federal government were a business, they would have long ago run themselves DEEP into bankruptcy and most of the executives would by in jail for one reason or another.

This does not exactly inspire my confidence in the direction the nation is headed.


Wow. I'm a barrel of laughs tonight, aren't I?

Listening to: The Biggest Loser. I'm addicted.
Reading: Girl Clown by Mary Wise


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